Category Archives: Medicine for you

The Seven Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease

It’s quite normal – though perhaps a bit jarring – to see your grandma or grandpa begin to have memory problems. They might forget your phone number, or have to think twice while recalling a childhood memory. But when …

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Stress, immune system and age

As ageing is associated with immunological changes, the effects of stress and age are interlinked where a deregulation of the immune function can have a significant impact on physical health. On the other hand stess can both enhance and …

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Congestive Heart Failure and the Heart Healthy Diet

Congestive Heart Failure, or CHF, is a medical condition concerning the heart. When diagnosed with CHF, a patient has a weakened heart that cannot properly pump blood to the necessary parts of the body. This condition requires extensive treatment …

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Mold Allergies – Learn About The Symptoms

Mold allergies are one of the main health problems that affect people of all ages. There are thousands of molds, although some of them do not cause any allergies at all. In fact there are only about 12 different …

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Acid Reflux – Treating It With Medication

Antacids and Alignates

Antacids are generally available without a doctor’s prescription and relieve the symptoms of acid indigestion and heartburn (dyspepsia).

The usual ingredients of antacids are magnesium or aluminium and they work by neutralising the acid produced in …

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Know More About Arthritis, and How it Can Affect You

If you’ve heard about arthritis, you would most likely have associated it with older patients, and with a lot of body pain. There are many things about arthritis, however, that make it a unique, and yes, painful disease. Sadly, …

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Psoriasis More Than A Skin Problem

It is a skin problem which is not contagious. Many people have suffered from this condition. There are five types of psoriasis, affecting different parts of your body. All these types of psoriasis have different symptoms. The area which …

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Walking the Walk for AIDS

UNAIDS estimates that more than 37 million adults and 2 million children are infected with HIV worldwide. The AIDS epidemic has hit the hardest in sub-Saharan Africa, where 75 percent of the women ages 15 to 24 are infected.…

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What Happens in the Brain of an Alzheimer’s Patient

What is happening in the brain of an Alzheimer’s patient to cause all of the unpleasant cognitive and behavioral symptoms of the sickness? Alois Alzheimer was the first to find the strange plaques and tangles characteristic of the sickness …

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Green lipped mussel extract treatment for arthritis

If your pet has been diagnosed with arthritis you might find Green-lipped mussel (Perna canaliculus) is included in some glucosamine based treatments. Green lipped mussel has been found to inhibit inflammation in the joints and is useful in the …

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Which Came First: The Disease Or The Deficiency?

You may be surprised to learn that conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular disease, dementia, diabetes and depression often have one thing in common-a deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids and essential B vitamins including folic acid.

So which came …

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After Cancer Treatment:Health Tips Everyone Needs To Know

If you or someone you know has a history of cancer, it is important to be aware of the potential health consequences from cancer and its treatment. Frequently, patients and families are not informed or do not recall discussions …

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Simple Steps You Can Take To Eliminate the Threat of Periodontal Disease!

First for those perhaps not familiar with what periodontal disease is, Periodontal disease is a chronic bacterial infection that affects the gums and bone supporting the teeth.

At this stage medical intervention is neccesary in order to restore you …

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Toe Nail Fungus

Toe nail fungus and finger nail fungus is a condition in which fungi get under the nail of the toe or finger and cause an infection in the area. The infection can be of the nail itself or for …

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Herpes Heroes

The is only a one letter difference between the words herpes and heroes, and the letters p and o are only one letter apart, which means that no two words can be closer than herpes and heroes.

The world …

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Is There Going To Be An Asian Flu Pandemic?

The last Asian flu pandemic occurred in 1957. It is estimated that between 1 million people and 4 million people were killed by the virus.

Fast forward to October 2004 when an American lab sent out stored samples of …

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What You Should Know About Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis, also known as “RA” is a chronic, inflammatory autoimmune disorder that causes the immune system to attack the joints. It is a disabling and painful inflammatory condition, which can lead to substantial loss of mobility due to …

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Take It From Alonzo Mourning: Check Up On Your Kidneys

It’s National Kidney Month and basketball star Alonzo Mourning is taking the opportunity to spread the word about a condition he has a personal connection to–chronic kidney disease.

Chronic kidney disease is a condition where the kidneys do not …

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Understanding ADHD In Adults

When thinking about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), most people picture a hyperactive child in the grocery store, a disruptive kid in the classroom or a child who takes longer than necessary to finish a homework assignment. But what …

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Disease Defined, It’s Types And What The Internet Has To Say About It

Most of us have known someone at one time or another with a disease, some considered curable and some not. Cancer is considered the most fatal among all diseases. Let’s begin this article with the definition of the word …

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National Free Screening For Vascular Disease

A national screening program could help save thousands of lives by diagnosing-and bringing attention to-one of the most undertreated health care concerns for older Americans.

Millions of Americans may have vascular disease without even knowing it, according to the …

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Natural Medicine For ADHD

As ADHD becomes more widely diagnosed, the necessity to find a safe natural medicine for this condition has become a top priority for natural health advocates. Natural cures for ADHD offer a safe and reliable treatment alternative to such …

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Colon – Diseases Of The Colon

The colon or the large intestine extends from the cecum to the rectum. Colon’s main function is to extract water from feces. Colon, also called large bowel, measures 1.5 meters in length. There are various diseases of the colons …

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The Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep Apnea

How can I tell if I have sleep apnea and how can I treat it?


The typical patient with sleep apnea is an overweight middle-aged male with a neck size of more than 17 inches. However, the condition …

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Herpes Is Not A Death Sentence

Everyday the number of people around the world that find that they have herpes is staggering. Over 50% of the white population, over 70% of the African American population and over 60% of the Japanese population have herpes. What …

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Autism – Is There A Link With Immunizations?

Autism is a neurological, developmental disorder, which can inhibit the normal developmental growth of individuals. Symptoms of autism include impairments in social skills, as well as communication skills, repetitive behaviors, and poor speech patterns. Because the severity of the …

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Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is a disease that effects up to 10% of pre-menopausal woman.  It is a female hormonal disorder and is the forming of multiple abnormal ovarian cysts on the ovaries.  Most of the cysts are harmless as they are …

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Genital Herpes – How Prevalent Is It And What Should You Do?

Genital herpes is a topic not readily discussed in the course of normal conversation however, if you’re aged 25 and over, and are sexually active with multiple partners then it would be wise to be tested for genital herpes.…

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DuPont, Teflon and the potential impact of a class action lawsuit

In the 1930’s DuPont, a U.S. firm, invented and began to market a substance called Teflon.  Teflon is used today primarily as a non-stick coating for pots, pans and other cookware, though Teflon also has applications as a coating …

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Medication And Therapeutic Activities Can Make An Important Difference In The Lives Of People With Alzheimer’s Disease

Many people understand that getting a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and treatment with an FDA-approved prescription medication may help slow the progression of the disease’s symptoms. But did you know that caregivers can complement treatment with activities that may …

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Nail Fungus Infection, Treatment and Prevention

Nail fungus is very common and usually appears with the toes; although it can also spread to the finger nails. It can sometimes be difficult to spot although a symptom which is pretty early to appear is a yellow …

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The Symptoms of Dementia

Dementia is the progressive decline in cognitive function due to damage or disease in the brain beyond what might be expected from normal aging. Particularly affected areas may be memory, attention, language and problem solving, although particularly in the …

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Bird Flu Vaccines: What is Taking So Long?

With the current development of a vaccine for the H5N1 strain of the Bird Flu Virus still 2 to 3 years away. We don’t have much of a choice but to really be very cautious that the H5N1 strain …

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New Hope For Psoriasis Sufferers

Warm weather normally means a return to shorts and T-shirts and relaxing trips to the beach, but for the millions of Americans with psoriasis, it can be a more stressful time of the year.

Psoriasis is a noncontagious disease …

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Pain Relief – Fibromyalgia Pain Treatments For Pain

If you hurt all over your body, and frequently feel exhausted, gone through numerous tests to find out what is wrong with you and even then, your doctor can’t find anything specifically wrong with you; your pain may very …

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Seizure Disorder Epilepsy

A chronic neurological condition, Epilepsy is characterized by recurrent and unprovoked seizures. Epilepsy is most commonly controlled through the use of various medications, but can sometimes patients will even undergo surgical procedures to try and further control the condition.…

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Major Discovery: How Carcinogens Cause Cancer

The current belief in medical research holds that most cancers are caused by exposure to carcinogens, and that carcinogens cause cancer by damaging DNA.  However, the huge effort and billions of dollars invested by the NIH, private foundations, and …

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Alcoholism Treatment Options


The classical use of medications for alcoholism is to encourage abstinence. Antabuse (also known as disulfiram), for instance, prevents the elimination of chemicals which cause severe discomfort when alcohol is ingested, effectively preventing the alcoholic from drinking in …

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Ringworm: A Non-Crawling Fungus That Can Spread Over The Entire Body

It itches, makes you scratch, but it is not a worm. It is contagious but can be controlled naturally and quickly. Kill the the fungus with a proven natural remedy.


A rather common ailment has gone by a …

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Allergies – Antihistamines and How They Work

In this article we’re going to discuss probably the most common form of treatment for allergy sufferers; the use of antihistamines, what they are and how they work in the body to rid people of their allergy symptoms.

The …

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Bad Breath – Teach Your Kids Good Oral Hygiene And Prevent The Misery Caused By Halitosis

Poor oral hygiene leads to bad breath and the social ostracising of a child. People are not usually aware that they have bad breath and it is not something that one can mention, even to a friend, without causing …

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Mum – I Have STD

STD, sexually transmitted diseases have been called the 21st century plague.

Sexually transmitted disease includes well-known diseases like gonorrhea and syphilis, but also genital warts, genital herpes and chlamydia.

The stigma of what used to be called venereal diseases …

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What You Know About DVT Could Save Your Life

Learning more about deep vein thrombosis, or DVT-a condition that affects two million Americans every year-could save your life.

DVT is a blood clot that develops in the deep veins of the legs or pelvic area or, on rare …

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Trying To Understand ADHD

ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a mental disorder that approximately three to seven percent of children have. Those that are affected by this disorder are characterized by constant behavior, lots of activity and often thought of …

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